As you might have seen on our homepage or through other media, we have updated our logos and claims after more than 25 years. With this step we want to reflect the development of our company with a more modern logo and brand.
This positioning and orientation of our brand is not only an optical adaptation; in this course we have clearly structured our offer with the target to give you a better and exact overview about our scope of supply and services. To this end, we have clustered our products in groups and segments in order to create a clear assignment.
In addition, the lettering and logos received a unique structure. The Synflex Group acts as an umbrella brand and combines the expertise of the three legally own enterprises Schwering & Hasse Elektrodraht GmbH, Synflex Elektro GmbH and Isotek GmbH. So you can benefit from an extensive portfolio, consisting of products, know-how, services and consultations. The contact details of your service partners in our back-offices and in the field will remain unchanged.
Our claim "Common Goal – Joint Progress: The Resource of Power.", refers both to the products supplied by us to you, and on the other hand, to the cooperative partnership with you. We are convinced that this new brand image will create an improvement also for you!