IEC 1906 Award – Expert knowledge honored
SHWireSHWire and SynFlex are very active in national and international standards bodies. These worldwide valid so-called IEC standards describe the state of the art regarding important tests and product properties, e.g. for winding wires in the 60317 and 60851 series of standards. Our customers can refer to these comprehensively and reliably and also agree on specific tests or properties.
For his many years of active work in the TC55 as convenor of the working group "Winding Wires" our Dr. Andreas Levermann has been awarded this year with the renowned "IEC 1906 Award" already for the second time in his career. With this award the IEC honors Dr. Levermann for "his expert knowledge and high commitment in international standardization that contributes greatly to the reputation of German standardization on a national, European and international level".
Dr. Levermann is also the "Liaison Officer" of the Winding Wires standards body to the IEC standards on electric motors and the evaluation of electrical insulation systems and materials to align and develop related technical issues.
We congratulate and wish continued success!