"Citizens helping citizens with time and money" - that is the motto of the Schwering & Hasse Foundation. The foundation is committed to helping the citizens of Lügde and Pyrmont in the tradition of the founding family as an expression of the company's more than 160 years of existence in Lügde and Bad Pyrmont. As the financial framework of the state and local authorities has become ever tighter in recent years, SHWire would like to support self-responsible, civic commitment and promote the coexistence of citizens in the community. The aim of the Schwering & Hasse Foundation is to make a financial and personal contribution, as well as an idealistic one, in order to make living together in the community easier.
In the meantime, at least two projects initiated by the Schwering & Hasse Foundation have proven their beacon character and are radiating out into the region. "Fit for Job" has contributed to the fact that 40 - 45 percent of school leavers from the Johannes Gigas School Centre in Lügde have been placed in an apprenticeship. The successes at the Lügde school are the reason why "Fit for Job" has now also become established at other secondary and comprehensive schools.
Since 2011, the Schwering & Hasse Foundation and local businesses have been working together with daycare centres, primary and secondary schools to promote the next generation of scientists and engineers. The changing topics are developed by Mr Jürgen Weiland from the STEM working group and worked on together with teachers and colleagues from the educational institutions.
"Citizens helping citizens with time and money" is the guiding principle of the Schwering & Hasse Foundation. Our aim is to make a financial, personal and non-material contribution to promoting the common good in the towns of Lügde and Bad Pyrmont. The Schwering & Hasse Foundation acts selflessly and pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.
The foundation is in the tradition of the Hasse / Fildhuth entrepreneurial families and, as a charitable and company-affiliated foundation, strengthens what makes the Schwering & Hasse Elektrodraht (SHWire) family business what it is.
The foundation is open to donors. It is possible to name specific purposes with an endowment. The prerequisite for this is that the objectives are in line with those of the foundation. The donor can be named on request.
The foundation also welcomes donations for ongoing and defined activities and projects.
Each year we define new projects to be supported by the Foundation. It is important that such projects are about initiatives carried out by the Lügde inhabitants themselves, personally and/ or materially.
Examples of direct support are or could be:
- Improvement to playgrounds of Lügde kindergartens, support for the association of friends of the public pool area
- Increasing engagement and cooperation with the secondary school in Lügde to facilitate young peoples’ entry to professional life.
- Incentives to persuade companies or handicraft businesses that have not yet taken on trainees before to provide training positions for young people. The support is 1,000 Euro for every trainee job.
- Support for the Kolping Familie to assist in organizing the events “Kultur im Kloster”.
- MINT in LÜGDE: make children curious about maths, informatics, natural science and technic
- Learning sponsorship
The trust was founded on January 06 the, 2006
The trust`s funds amount to 1.8 million €
The trust`s address
Schwering & Hasse Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH
Pyrmonter Strasse 3 – 5
D 32 676 Lügde
Tel: +49 (0) 52 81 / 988-0
Fax: +49 (0) 52 81 / 988-0
Georg-Jescow v. Puttkamer
Priv: +49 (0) 52 81 / 989 344
Donation bank account:
Konto: 91
BLZ: 476 501 30
IBAN: DE89 4765 0130 0000 0000 91
Bank: Sparkasse Detmold