
Corporate Policy

We assume responsibility towards society, environment and our employees.

Taking responsibility is part of our corporate culture and daily practice. We involve all stakeholders within our industry such as customers and suppliers but also the general public in promoting polity.

The minimum requirements for interacting with employees, customers, suppliers and other persons and institutions are regulated in the SHWire Code of Conduct which we expect all parties involved to comply with. With these corporate visions, we even exceed the requirements regulated in the Code of Conduct in order to achieve our long-term corporate goals.

SHWire Code of Conduct

Guidelines for sustainable procurement

Corporate policy

We are part of the SynFlex Group. With numerous production and sales locations and branch offices throughout Europe and the world, we offer a tightknit network of reliable partners for your individual needs. This ensures that there will be no fluctuation in product quality, no competing standards, no language barriers and no unpleasant surprises.


We are a forward-thinking and dependable family- owned company, which places the highest value in its independence.

We approach our employees, business partners and the public at large with honesty and a sense of responsibility.

We strive for more. We work single-mindedly, continuously and tenaciously on the improvement of our processes and products.

We develop and produce the best quality winding wire as the most innovative company in the electrical industry.

Management policy


  • Partners, management and employees of the SynFlex Group undertake to observe law and regulations, corporate goals and the guidelines of the management policy.
  • Our actions are oriented to the satisfaction of our customers. Requirements of our customers are an incentive for us to systematic improvement.
  • The commitment to continuous improvement is an essential aspect of our corporate culture. With our basic strategy, we are reaffirming our commitment to the permanent optimization of our processes and products.
  • We are committed to both environmental protection and efficient energy management.
  • Occupational safety has high priority. We are committed to continuous improvement, including the avoidance of negative effects on people and the environment.



  • We promote the trust and development of our employees. Motivation and identification are the basis for consistently high performance.
  • Our information and communication policy is holistic, regular, objective and open.
  • The management evaluates the status, appropriateness and effectiveness of the integrated management system through regular reviews.

Personnel Policy


  • Our employees are proud of their company, their personal work and their individual contribution to the success of the company.
  • We demand full commitment and offer scope for personal initiative and advancement.
  • Our daily activities are characterized by mutual respect and trust - people are the focus of our attention.
  • We ensure that everyone is treated fairly, especially with regard to acceptance and equal opportunities.
  • By promoting creativity potentials and innovative strength, our employees secure our competitive advantages and thus the long-term success of the company.



  • Open and honest communication ensures transparency at all levels.
  • Our employees are comprehensively informed due to the integration of communication into the company‘s objectives as well as through credibility and clarity.
  • Excellent workplaces and a positive working atmosphere are the prerequisites for achieving our ambitious goals.
  • Our employees are competent and willing to assume responsibility. Leadership and teamwork support independent action in the interests of the company.
  • Continuous advancement ensures a pronounced willingness to change on the part of all.

Quality policy


  • Quality awareness is lived out equally actively in all areas of our company.
  • Highest process stability and the integration of suppliers into our quality strategy are elementary success building blocks for our product quality.
  • State-of-the-art laboratory equipment and measuring instruments as well as continuous process monitoring, documented in test records and test certificates, qualify us as a high-tech supplier.
  • We evaluate the achievement of quality targets and processes on the basis of key figures and derive potential for improvement from this.

Environmental Policy


  • We motivate our employees to actively support our environmental protection measures and to save energy.
  • We communicate our success in implementing these measures to the outside world in order to strengthen public confidence in our company.
  • We encourage our suppliers and service providers to give high priority to environmental protection and resource conservation. Energy-efficient products are preferred.
  • We pay particular attention to the continuous detection and reduction of waste and risks in all relevant processes for which appropriate resources are made available.


  • We are committed to our responsibility for sustainable environmental protection and resource-conserving energy use.
  • As role models, our managers play a key role in ensuring that this environmental, occupational safety and energy policy is put into practice.
  • Together with all our employees, we are constantly developing our understanding of environment, health, safety and energy saving within the company.
  • Environmental protection, occupational safety and energy management are firmly anchored in our corporate culture.
  • The company undertakes to observe and comply with statutory requirements.

Women4Metals and SynFlex Group

Women4Metals is an industry-specific women‘s empowerment initiative in the metal industry that was founded by Aurubis. It is about making the industry more attractive for women. In a broader sense, all industries that are dominated by men.

The SynFlex Group, SHWire and SynFlex, believe this to be extremely important, on the one hand to uncover the dormant potential of women for the industry and on the other hand to increase diversity. The metal industry is always considered old-fashioned, whereas without us very attractive future models such as e-mobility, the expansion of renewable energies and grid infrastructure would not be possible at all.

More information on the initiative